Project Description
This group is dedicated to helping African American males, whose anger has spilled over into their relationships–resulting in domestic violence. All too often domestic violence goes unchecked, African American women typically comprised about 70% of black congregations. Religious convictions, shame, fear, or rejection from the church– may contribute to them, remaining in an abusive relationship.
As a result of historical and present-day racism, African American women may be less likely to report her abuser or to seek help because of discrimination the African American male faces–due to police brutality and negative stereotyping.
African American men are less likely to seek help for domestic violence issues due to the stigma of mental health support. Brothers Helping Brothers offer a safe and non-judgmental place, where we can work and grow together.
Brothers Helping Brothers want to help you rediscover and understand what you and your significant other have to gain from your participation–more love, respect intimacy, and satisfaction in your domestic relationship.
Project Details
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